20 Best Jobs Where You Work Alone (Perfect for Introverts)

Prefer to keep to yourself? Ironically, you’re not the only one, and it doesn’t need to hurt your career. Here are 20 jobs that will let you work alone.

Everywhere you look, job listings are eager for “team players” with keen social instincts. That’s fine for many people, but what about introverts? Is their only option to force themselves into uncomfortable scenarios, pretending to enjoy the company of relative strangers?

Thankfully, no. There are alternatives. In fact, there are more decent job choices for introverts today than ever before — and the more willing you are to pivot your career path, the more likely it is that you’ll be able to secure a position that suits your personality.

In this post, we’re going to run through a helpful list of the 20 best jobs for those who want to work alone. They vary in many ways (earning potential, skills, demand), but any one of them can make a good choice if you’re willing to put in the work. Let’s get started.

The 20 Best Jobs Where You Work Alone

Not all of these jobs will suit you, of course, but there’s something to be said for leaving your comfort zone. You don’t need to gravitate towards whatever most closely resembles the jobs you’ve had before. Why not give something a shot as a short-term effort? If you enjoy it, you can keep doing it — and if you don’t, you can give it up and move on. See how these strike you:

1. Truck Driver

Did you grow up with a romanticized view of long-distance driving? It’s not uncommon. While so many of us are static, truck drivers are always on the move, spanning nations as they keep vital infrastructure running. And they’re solitary. They keep in touch, naturally, but that’s about it. When you’re a truck driver, you can listen to albums or podcasts, and stop wherever you like (provided you hit your deadlines and don’t spend too much on fuel).

This isn’t to say that being a truck driver is easy, of course. It requires a constant level of focus that not everyone can achieve, and it can get tedious — but for some, it’s absolutely perfect. It’s also practically easier than ever before. The average truck driver needn’t bother painstakingly tracking their performance because they’ll have it handled for them via a telematics system to return data on their driving and location and a Shell fuel card that logs their fuel consumption.

So if you like driving and the idea of the open road appeals to you, this could be the career you’re looking for. Get some peace and quiet and see the country for free.

2. Domain Flipper

Every day there are plenty of aspiring entrepreneurs out there who choose their perfect business names and flock to domain registration sites only to discover that those names have already been taken. What can they do? Well, there’s always the option of pivoting: choosing a different name, perhaps, or using some corruption of that name with an unfamiliar domain extension. But that isn’t very satisfying.

The more ambitious the entrepreneur happens to be, the more likely they’ll be to feel set on the perfect domain for their business name — and you can take advantage of this. Domain flipping is a reasonably-new way to make money, but it’s more complex than it initially seems. It’s comparable to investing in stocks: you want to register a cheap domain that will subsequently rise in value so you can sell it to make a profit.

If you happen to be great at anticipating new brands (and industry movements in general), start picking up some budget domains and see what happens to their value. It could be the beginning of a highly-profitable endeavor.

3. Home Stager

Do you like playing with the presentation of your home or apartment, shuffling the items of furniture, and tweaking the lighting to make it feel completely different? If so, home staging might be of interest to you. It’s essentially about making a home more desirable to prospective buyers or renters without fundamentally changing its architecture or contents.

Here’s how you fit into the real-estate process: a seller contacts you (or the company you work for) to request some home staging, and either waits to hand you the keys or leaves that to their real estate agent. You take the keys, enter the empty home, and do everything you can to make it feel better. You can add the scent of cookies, clean the sofa, rearrange the bookcase — provided you don’t damage anything, it’s entirely up to you.

With your job done, you exit so viewings can begin. The happier the seller is with your work, the better your reviews will be. It can be a very rewarding experience, so if the idea resonates with you, look into it.

4. Pool Cleaner

Being a pool cleaner doesn’t sound very engaging, and that’s because it isn’t. It’s a simple job that won’t overly tax your mental abilities — but is that so bad? Introverts often overthink things, stressing about even the smallest interactions and worrying that they’re not doing well in high-pressure situations. Cleaning a pool isn’t such a situation.

It will require you to engage with the owners of the pools you’re cleaning, but it won’t be in-depth, and you’ll largely be left alone to do your work. If you’re looking to get outside and get more exercise without needing extensive conversations, this is a great way to go about it while making money in the process.

Will it be a long-term career option? Probably not. But it’s perfect for a summer job, or for something you can do while you’re figuring out where you want your career to go.

5. Warehouse Worker

Forget what you’ve heard about advanced robotics rendering warehouse workers unnecessary. Robots aren’t all that sophisticated, and they’re not likely to reach that level for a long time. One nice thing about being a warehouse worker is that it’s a good mix of social and private: you’re surrounded by your colleagues, lending a communal atmosphere, but your work is largely (or exclusively) solitary, requiring only minimal interaction.

Keep in mind that it can be exhausting, though, and that pay levels vary massively. Before you take a position as a warehouse worker, look around to see what the alternatives are, and use that information for leverage if you get lowballed. If you can find a good offer and you don’t mind extensive manual labor (some find it relaxing), dip your toe in the water.

6. Medical Coder

If you’re unfamiliar with medical coding, you might assume that it has something to do with programming. This isn’t the case. Medical codes pertain to procedures, illnesses, injuries, medicines, symptoms, and many other things relevant to medical treatment. They’re vital for disambiguation: when doctors and nurses produce documentation, they use conventional English (or something close to it), and that isn’t suitable for admin purposes.

A medical coder, then, receives medical documents and must condense and clarify them through converting them into the right medical codes. Their coded documents are then used for things like insurance (billing demands exact details) and analytics (hospitals need to track cases carefully so they can know how well they’re performing).

You don’t need a medical background to become a medical coder. If you have an eye for detail and the willingness to learn various code systems, look for a medical coding course. You could complete it within a year and have opportunities for employment soon after.

7. Electrician

Electricians are always in demand. They do work that’s dangerous in principle but completely safe for anyone competent, so there aren’t too many people willing to do amateur wiring. It helps that property value and safety is dependent on the quality of the wiring work. It definitely requires some niche skills, though there are plenty of options for picking them up.

Look into electrician training courses in your area, and start picking up on the basics through reading about basic principles online — there are countless free guides that can help you form some key awareness. If this is the career you choose, you can start your own business or work for an existing company, but either way, you’ll mostly be working alone. And since wiring projects can take significant time, you can have days largely by yourself.

8. Plumber

Plumbers are always in demand. It’s more common for houses to be without electricity than to be without plumbing (for toiletry and hydration, if not for central heating). And even though it’s a very accessible job, it’s one that has something of a stigma because of its unsanitary conditions. If that doesn’t bother you (it’s much less bothersome than cleaning public toilets, at least), then you can make a lot of money through plumbing.

It might take quite a long time to get through a plumbing apprenticeship, but the good news is that you can still make money as an apprentice. The better you perform, the better your prospects will be. And while you’ll have supervision for quite some time, getting fully qualified will free you up to work solo and set the schedule that you want.

9. Butcher

People always need to eat, and despite reasonable environmental concerns, the meat industry isn’t going anywhere. Being a successful self-employed butcher does require networking and negotiation (you need to source the meat, have it transported, maintain your storage facilities, and discuss sales with prospective customers), but the meat of the work (pun intended) involves the butchery itself.

That means that much of a butcher’s time is spent in a backroom slicing cuts without anyone to bother them. If you’re not squeamish about blood and you’re interested in learning how the sausage is made (literally), butchery could be good for you.

10. Park Ranger

Imagine enjoying the majesty of the great outdoors, surrounded by greenery and animals (and, quite notably, not by people). Doesn’t that sound delightful? Well, that’s a key aspect of being a park ranger. It doesn’t speak to the work, of course, which encompasses tasks like working on habitats and conducting field surveys to track environmental changes, but it’s significant.

You have to take the rough with the smooth, meaning you don’t get to abandon your workload when the weather turns sour, but that might not even be a problem for you. Some people just enjoy being outside, preferring even cold rainy conditions to being inside for extended periods. If that describes you, then being a park ranger could be perfect.

That outdoor life comes at a cost, though, because park rangers generally need to have substantial qualifications that can’t be acquired quickly. It’s unlikely that you’d be able to find anything close to a park ranger position in under five years. But if it sounds like your dream job, why not get started on that process today?

11. Landscaper

Interest in gardening rose significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic, with regional lockdowns reminding people of how nice it is to spend time outdoors in your own space. Due to this, there’s a lot of demand for landscaping, which is basically the art of reshaping and arranging landscape to achieve the desired goals (which may be practical or aesthetic).

If you happen to really like plants and spending time in gardens, landscaping might be just what you’ve been looking for. You’ll need to pass an exam and have sufficient experience to work as a professional landscaper, though: requirements vary based on country, region and/or state, but it’s generally illegal to hire someone without the necessary awareness of regulations.

12. Blogger

If you’re really determined to be alone, blogging is maybe the best job you can have — if you can actually make it a viable job. Successful bloggers don’t really need to leave their homes. They can simply sit and type about whatever issues they want to address. They can meet people if they want to, particularly through blogger collaborations, but it isn’t necessary.

Being a full-time blogger isn’t easy, though, as you need to figure out how to build up an audience and how to monetize that attention. The best approach involves diversifying your income streams: using a combination of reader donations, sponsors, and Patreon backers to yield a consistent salary that isn’t overly reliant on any one source.

If you’re a decent writer and you think people might want to read what you have to say, start a blog and see how far you can take it. If nothing else, it can be a fun project — and if it gets big enough to monetize, you can move in that direction. 

13. Food Delivery Driver

Now more than ever before, food delivery is a booming industry. COVID-19 prompted a huge increase in demand for food delivery, after all, and it may take the restaurant industry years to recover (if it ever gets back to where it once was). Services like DoorDash and Uber Eats are incredibly busy, and countless eateries are adapting to this new way of doing things.

When you work as a food delivery driver, you just need to collect food and drop it off — and when you drop it off, you might not even need to interact with anyone, since contactless dropoff has been both necessary and popular. Put the food down, ring the bell (or knock on the door), ensure that the recipient is there, then leave.

It’s a fast-paced world, naturally, and that can prove frustrating, but it can also be lucrative if you’re good at your job. Whether it’s a long-term pursuit or a short-term experiment is up to you.

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14. Writer

The writing world is vast and offers many opportunities. Businesses need marketing copy, news outlets need stories, manufacturers need technical product descriptions — and you can provide some or all of these things. It all hinges on your skills and interests. Whatever you do, though, you can do it from home with no major issues.

How does it compare to blogging? It can be easier or harder, depending on how you look at it. It’s easier in the sense that you can simply apply for jobs (full-time, part-time, or one-off) and get paid without needing to come up with your own monetization system, but it’s harder in the sense that you need to impress prospective employers. Bloggers can do what they like. Writers can’t.

Try picking up some writing gigs through freelance marketplaces and see how you fare. If you have a knack for it, you may be able to build it into a career.

15. Photography

Products need photos, people need headshots, and websites need featured images. Taking good photos isn’t as easy as many people think, which is why the world still needs so many photographers. And while working as a professional photographer will often need you to interact with the people you’re snapping, you can keep it brief and resolutely professional.

The bulk of your work will lie in preparing backdrops, adjusting lighting, getting all your equipment ready, and doing the subsequent editing work that’s so vital. You can also make time to work on personal projects, and make money through licensing your photos for general use. The startup costs are substantial (a camera phone won’t cut it), but you don’t need any certifications to be a successful photographer. You just need skill and dedication.

16. Graphic Designer

Whether they’re working on websites or complex media materials, graphic designers have vital roles to play in today’s digital world. They’re also extremely valuable. Those who assume that it’s easy to mock up a decent logo tend to discover that they’re in over their heads when they try to get things done themselves.

Outside of occasional in-person presentations (still necessary, alas, though largely for huge corporations that can afford to make it worthwhile), graphic designers don’t need to go anywhere or directly collaborate with anyone. They do need to make edits as requested, admittedly, but that process doesn’t typically require extensive interaction.

17. Economist

The global economy is in a fascinating position these days, and plenty of companies want assistance predicting what’s around the corner. That’s where economists enter the picture. They analyze how services, resources and goods are produced, traded and distributed, using their findings to reach conclusions about how businesses should operate.

In addition, they provide valuable insights for news publications that want to break down trends and keep people informed. It takes a lot of skill to be an economist, and you’ll need to have various relevant qualifications that will take years and immense effort to acquire — but if you can become established as a trusted economist, you’ll have a job for as long as you want it.

18. Data Entry Clerk

There’s been a lot of talk in recent years about the role of automation in daily life, and this has led many to assume that the key matter of data entry has moved entirely past manual effort (beyond the occasional piece of configuration). In truth, data entry clerks are still needed in many industries. Even when automation can be achieved, who signs off on the results?

Data entry clerks ensure that data is correctly sorted, filtered, and entered into systems. They also pick up on human errors and know how to interpret them instead of simply rejecting them out of hand. It’s relatively easy to get into data entry, too. You don’t need high-level qualifications. You largely need to prove yourself through your work. It’s dry and can be repetitive, but if you just want peace and quiet, it can work for you.

19. Affiliate Marketer

Affiliate schemes are simple enough: businesses that want to promote their products and/or services offer affiliate programs that incentivize referrals through commissions. When someone clicks on an affiliate link, the resulting website visit is tracked, and if they complete an order then the person who provided that link will make some money.

Affiliate marketers look for all the viable ways in which they can profit through those commission programs. They largely create websites to house their affiliate links, then seek to promote those websites through content marketing, social media engagement, and even PPC advertising. It’s an increasingly-saturated market, but if you can find the right niche, you can make good money.

20. Accountant

Accountants are often stereotyped as boring, but accountancy can actually be reasonably interesting. Besides, it’s a profession, and it doesn’t need to be engaging at all times. The great thing about accountancy is that it’s always needed (people will always need help managing their money). It also happens to be lucrative and flexible — financial skills cross national boundaries.

When an accountant is hired for a project, they spend most of their time poring over financial documents instead of talking to people. And since everything comes down to the numbers, it’s fairly rare for a client to have a reasonable complaint. Provided your calculations are correct, no one can do much to argue with your conclusions.

Are you an introvert?

Before you go for one of these jobs, though, you might want to think about whether you’re truly an introvert. Have you given it much thought, or simply assumed that it’s true?

What are the characteristics of an introvert?

Everyone has a definition of introversion, but the consistent element comes down to what makes you feel energized. How does spending time in a group of people make you feel? If it leaves you feeling refreshed and invigorated, you’re an extrovert — and if it leaves you feeling tired and in need of some time alone to recover, you’re an introvert.

You might not be neatly in any particular category. You might feel energized by company on one day and energized by solitude on another. In general, though, people tend to lean in one direction or the other. How do you feel on an average day? That’s what really matters.


What jobs dont require human interaction?

There are a ton of entry-level jobs with no customer interaction such as becoming a virtual assistant, transcription jobs, walking pets on Rover, freelance writer, freelance work, web developer, professional proofreader, Facebook ad manager, social media manager, data entry jobs, freelance photographer, sell printables, or find a great side hustle where you work on your own schedule.

What introvert jobs provide a full-time income?

The nine best jobs for quiet people that are high paying are Biochemist, Marine Engineer, Astronomer, Technical Writer, Accountant, and Actuary. These are full-time jobs that will require a high school diploma, a BA or BS degree, and sometimes a Master’s Degree.

What are the best side hustles to make extra money?

Some ideas to make money online for introverts would include Amazon FBA, pet sitting, using social media platforms to make money and running a successful blog. You can see the full list of the best side hustles here.

The benefits of working alone or at home

If you’re still unsure about whether you’re an introvert, or maybe you’re just not convinced that working alone is the best idea, why should you give it a try? Well, there are various benefits involved. Here’s just a small selection of them:

  • You can choose your environment. Working in a traditional office requires you to conform to various rules. When you go solo, you leave that system behind. You get to choose where you work. Want to attack your latest project in a coffee shop or from your sofa? Want to work outside for a while? You can. It’s all up to you.
  • You don’t need to wait for anyone. Waiting for colleagues to get things done or find time to contact you can be highly frustrating. Working alone means that you have full control of the pace. Start and stop when you feel like it.
  • You can’t encounter communication issues. No matter how effectively coworkers communicate, there will always be nuances lost along the way. When you’re the only person involved, you don’t need to communicate anything to anyone. You can put all your attention towards what you’re trying to achieve.
  • You can focus on yourself. Being part of a team is nice, but it can lead you to overlook your personal needs. Working alone frees you to think deeply about what you want to achieve in life and determine how you’re going to do it.

Persuaded yet? Look through the list of jobs we’ve covered here and think about which one you’d like to try. If it isn’t for you, you can move on — but if working alone is the right move, this is a great time to discover it. It might change your career forever.

Brian Meiggs
Hi, I’m Brian Meiggs! I’m a personal finance expert and founder of My Millennial Guide, here to help you build real wealth. With a background in finance, I’ve spent years guiding people on smart, practical ways to grow their money. For stock market beginners, I recommend Acorns. It’s a simple way to start investing with just your spare change, helping you steadily grow your portfolio over time without the need to actively manage it. And if you’re interested in real estate, check out Arrived and Fundrise. I use both myself—they make it easy to start investing in property without needing huge upfront capital. These platforms are perfect for anyone looking to add real estate to their investments for passive, long-term growth. I believe these tools are great for building a balanced investment portfolio, combining stocks and real estate for a solid approach to wealth-building. You can trust this advice—my work has been featured in major publications like Business Insider, Entrepreneur, The Wall Street Journal, Yahoo Finance, NASDAQ, Discover, Fox News, and MSN Money.
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