How to Write an eBook from Start to Finish

Your easy guide on how to write an eBook and turn it into a $100/day money-maker with affiliate marketing. Yes, and you don't even have to do the writing yourself.

how to write an ebook

Many people use the internet to find ways to make money online and search for the best side business to start that will make their wallets happier!

You can actually find several good opportunities online that will make you a fortune. If you keep searching for earning opportunities and executive them correctly, you will begin to see income flowing right into your bank account.

But since you’re here, chances are you want to know one of the best side businesses to start — well today I’ll teach you about the eBook hustle.

Did you know you can turn a free eBook into a $100 a day money-maker with affiliate marketing? (and you don’t even have to do the writing yourself.)

How to Write an eBook

First, find 10 different subjects to create eBooks on… to get you started you can learn how to find a profitable niche.

The basic steps of creating an eBook are:
  1. Research your target audience and topic
  2. Ensure you have the right editing program
  3. Write, edit and proofread your eBook
  4. Add images, and graphics and create the cover art
  5. Upload it to your blog or hosting platform for automatic delivery
  6. Promote it everywhere

Remember how I mentioned earlier that you don’t have to do the writing yourself?

You can find a freelancer on Fiverr (a popular online freelance marketplace) to write the eBook for you if you were inclined to choose to hire one… just head over to Fiverr and hire a freelancer to do it for only $5.

One quick search and numerous sellers on Fiverr are offering this service, an example is below:


Get Your eBook for $5 on Fiverr

Affiliate Marketing

Once you have selected your topics, it is time to create your eBooks that can be between 15-30 pages in length for each topic.

For each e-book, be sure to include your affiliate links. You can obtain affiliate links by signing up with a CPA Affiliate Network or just checking out the most popular affiliate programs for your niche.

Once you’re signed up through an affiliate network, how can you add affiliate links? Simple.

  1. Find the affiliate links in FlexOffers and MaxBounty that are relevant to your eBook niche.
  2. Highlight the word or URL in your eBook you want to make active.
  3. Go to “Insert” on your Word Menu.
  4. Choose “Hyperlink”.
  5. A window will open for you to enter the URL.
  6. Enter in the affiliate link that you obtained through Flex Offers and/or MaxBounty.
  7. Click Ok.
  8. Done.

Then you should look for a good eBook cover, because most people do judge a book by its cover.

Get A Good eBook Cover

ebook covers

Once you finished writing all the eBooks, your next step is to create a cover for each eBook.

You can do this by heading to Fiverr and hiring a freelancer to do it usually for $5.00.

Be sure that your covers look nice with a nice and concise description so that they can drive people’s attention and shows people what they are getting into by reading your eBook.

The cover will let people see what they are downloading, so it will increase your download rate.

Get A Cheap eBook Cover at Fiverr

Submit Your eBooks


Now that your eBooks are all set to launch, it’s time to search for free eBook directories on the web and submit your eBooks to these directories.

Here is a list of different eBook directories you should submit your eBook too! You can also self publish eBooks on different digital platforms.

When you keep on submitting your eBooks to more and more directories, more and more people will start downloading them and reading them. People who read your eBooks can see and click your affiliate links to buy a product that will earn your commission.

The more people reading your eBooks, the better your chance of making more affiliate commission. You can sell your eBooks and make money that way. For example, here are 20 places to sell your eBook online.

Why are eBooks the Best Side Business to Start?

easy side hustles for college students

Because since an eBook should be earning you on average $10.00 a day… combine the earnings of each of the 10 eBooks and you’ll get $100 a day.

If you’re not earning close to that, try adding different affiliate links in your eBooks. Take time to test your affiliate links until you are happy with the income you are making.

Your income will grow even more when you add more eBooks.

You don’t have to use this technique for earning affiliate commission only. This technique can also be applied to generate traffic to your website that you have inserted Google Adsense ads on.

Instead of placing your affiliate links within the content of the eBooks, place your website that you have Google Adsense ads on.

If you don’t have a website, you can use this free blog starter guide and you can get a website up in 10 minutes.

With some time and hard effort, you could possibly be earning $100 a day with this eBook marketing technique. If you can put more effort in, you will reap even more rewards from your eBook marketing business.

If you want more side hustle ideas head you can see my favorite ways to earn money online:

Brian Meiggs
Hi, I’m Brian Meiggs! I’m a personal finance expert and founder of My Millennial Guide, here to help you build real wealth. With a background in finance, I’ve spent years guiding people on smart, practical ways to grow their money. For stock market beginners, I recommend Acorns. It’s a simple way to start investing with just your spare change, helping you steadily grow your portfolio over time without the need to actively manage it. And if you’re interested in real estate, check out Arrived and Fundrise. I use both myself—they make it easy to start investing in property without needing huge upfront capital. These platforms are perfect for anyone looking to add real estate to their investments for passive, long-term growth. I believe these tools are great for building a balanced investment portfolio, combining stocks and real estate for a solid approach to wealth-building. You can trust this advice—my work has been featured in major publications like Business Insider, Entrepreneur, The Wall Street Journal, Yahoo Finance, NASDAQ, Discover, Fox News, and MSN Money.
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