Trying to make money online is an idea that begun to sound appealing to me not too long ago, so I started to search for information about how I could manage to successfully do it.
Since I am not an experienced user in this field, I wanted to find something that would be easy to understand and implement. While searching and browsing, I bumped into an article about banner advertising and found something really interesting, which is why I decided to make this Click2sell review.
How did I find
In my search for the most appropriate online money-making ideas, I figured it out that marketing, or in particular, online marketing platforms, is trending right now, so I’ve decided to dig deeper into the subject.
I’ve found an article about, but since there were few details about the platform, I decided to give it a try myself.
So, I’m about to explain here, from a beginner’s point of view, how someone can generate extra income online by getting paid for selling big brands products online via banner ads.
What’s the platform about?
The Click2sell platform had been built in a very comprehensive way, which is why I’ve managed to understand quite easily how it works.
Basically, this is an online advertising platform, which helps other big companies and brands sell their products online and grow their business.
So what’s in it for you? You, as a user (or member) of the platform, are creating banner advertising campaigns, which helps those companies and brands sell their products online and as a result, you SHOULD get a commission for each sale that is generated via one of your ads.
But that is not the case because Click2sell is a scam.
How I’ve created my first online advertising campaign from scratch?
Please keep in mind that there are many risks involved with, including losing a lot of cash and identity theft.
The Click2sell platform had been built in a very intuitive way, so getting started with your first campaign creation is quite simple.
After making the initial deposit of $250 (actually there are several packages available, ranging from $250 to $5000), you first login into your account and click on “create campaign” in the campaigns menu.
You are then required to write a new name for your campaign and select a campaign period, which varies between 2 weeks and up to 5 months.
After you’re done filling the basic information, you can now move on to the second phase, which is related to the content of the ad itself. You must select the category (arts and entertainment, business/investing, computers/internet, sports etc.), the campaign budget, and the banner architecture.
Fortunately, you can choose from a lot of pre-defined templates, so as you can probably understand by now, the creation process isn’t complicated at all, and no graphic design skills are required whatsoever.
In the third phase, you must take care of the targeting details, in which you select the ad placement, meaning the location of the ad in the websites.
As a self-service banner advertising platform, Click2sell helps companies sell their products online, but you as an advertiser must create ad campaigns that will help sell them.
The location of the ad is critical since it can cause a great visual influence on the website’s visitors, which means there’s a good chance that more people will click on your ad (or ads).
Last, but not least, we have the campaign preview. This is where you can check the final version of your ad campaign a moment before you officially launch it.
Click2Sell Conclusion
After dealing with the platform for a decent amount of time, I can confess that it really managed to get my attention.
The advertising world is fascinating, and I would like to continue studying and learning new things, so my Click2sell banner ad campaigns will get better as time goes by.
So is Click2Sell a scam?
To sum it up, Click2Sell is a banner advertisement platform that claims to make it possible to make money through PPC-marketing. However, a lot of people have complained about not getting their money. I would avoid using Click2Sell completely.