
Here's an archive of all the blog posts on the site, from newest to oldest.

How One Shopaholic Learned to Control Bad Spending Habits

Although it might sound like a made-up addiction, for several years shopping truly was my outlet. I wasn’t alone; 5.8% of Americans suffer from a...

What Happens If You Don’t Pay a Parking Ticket?

There is no worst feeling than coming back to your car to see a parking ticket on your windshield. Most people pay it right...

Less is More: 6 Ways to Start Saving Money with Minimalism

Minimalism and saving money is so in right now. Owning (and consuming) fewer things is not only great for the environment, but it’s great...

Tips to Save Money on Cosmetics, Makeup & Beauty Products

Millennials have a true lust for beauty products, far greater than that of their parents. The boom of online YouTube make-up professionals means that everyone...

Invest Smarter with Swell: Invest and Make a Difference‎

Even though Swell Investing shut down, you can continue to read our Swell Investing review to see what they previously offered. About Swell Investing: Invest in...

8 Simple Ways to Save Money on College Textbooks

It isn’t your imagination, the cost of earning a degree from a traditional college or online college really is out of control. And as...

How to Find a Profitable Niche Market

There are quite a few ways to make some extra cash online. If you follow the blog you probably know that already. If you're...

How to Pay Off $150k in Student Loan Debt

Six-figure student debt is mind blowing. When you're a student who receives a gap and gown but now face a student loan balance of...

What is an Installment Loan?

Installment loans are a simple and easy form of loans, where the total sum of both the principal and interest is paid back to...

Long Game Review: Major App Updates for 2021

Long Game Rewards is a gamified personal finance app using prize-linked savings, so users can play games and win cash prizes, magically transforming money-management-haters into...